A75MA-P35/A55M-P35seresMS-7697 (v1.x) ManboardG52-76971X1
xPrefaceMS-7697Preface Appendx A Realtek Audo ... A-1Installng the Realtek H
Thank you for choosng the A75MA-P35/ A55M-P35 Se-res (MS-7697 v1.X) Mcro-ATX manboard. The Seres manboards are based on AMD® A75/ A55 chps
1-2Gettng StartedPackng Contents* These pctures are for reference only and may vary wthout notce.* The packng contents may vary accordng to the
1-3MS-7697Chapter 1Assembly PrecautonsThe components ncluded n ths package are prone to damage from electrostatc dscharge (ESD). Please ad
1-4Gettng StartedManboard SpeccatonsProcessor SupportAMD® A8/A6/A4/E2-seres processors for the FM1 package(For the latest nformaton about CPU,
1-5MS-7697Chapter 1Connectors & ButtonsBack panel1x PS/2 keyboard port1x PS/2 mouse port4x USB 2.0 ports2x USB 3.0 ports (A75MA-P35)1x LAN port1x
1-7MS-7697Chapter 1Connectors Reference GudePort Type Port Name PageFM1 APU Socket CPU 1-10ATX 24-pn Power Connector JPWR1 1-14ATX 4-pn Power
1-8Gettng StartedBack Panel Quck GudeMouse/KeyboardA PS/2® mouse/keyboard DIN connector for a PS/2® mouse/keyboard.USB 2.0 PortThe USB 2.0 port s
1-9MS-7697Chapter 1VGA PortThe DB15-pn female connector s provded for montor. DVI-D PortThe DVI-D (Dgtal Vsual Interface- Dgtal) connector ca
PrefaceMS-7697Preface PrefaceMS-7697Preface Copyrght NotceThe materal n ths document s the ntellectual property of MICRO-STAR INTERNA-TIONAL
1-10Gettng StartedCPU (Central Processng Unt)ImportantOverheatngOverheatng can serously damage the CPU and manboard. Always make sure the cool
1-11MS-7697Chapter 1CPU & Cooler InstallatonWhen you are nstallng the CPU, make sure the CPU has a cooler attached on the top to prevent overhe
1-12Gettng StartedPoston the coolng set onto the retenton mechansm. Hook one end of the clp to hook rst.1. Then press down the o
1-13MS-7697Chapter 1Mountng Screw HolesWhen nstallng the manboard, rst nstall the necessary mountng stands requred for an manboard on the mou
1-14Gettng StartedPower SupplyATX 24-pn Power Connector: JPWR1Ths connector allows you to connect an ATX 24-pn power supply. To connect the ATX 24
1-15MS-7697Chapter 1MemoryThese DIMM slots are used for nstallng memory modules. For more nformaton on compatble components, please vst http://
1-16Gettng StartedInstallng Memory ModulesUnlock the DIMM slot by pushng the mountng clps to the sde. Vertcally nsert the memory module nto t
1-17MS-7697Chapter 1Expanson SlotsThs manboard contans numerous ports for expanson cards, such as dscrete graphcs or audo cards.PCIe (Perpher
1-18Gettng StartedVdeo/ Graphcs CardsIf avalable, ths manboard takes advantage of the CPU’s ntegrate graphcs processor, but dscrete vdeo car
1-19MS-7697Chapter 1Internal ConnectorsSeral ATA Connector: SATA1~6Ths connector s a hgh-speed Seral ATA nterface port. Each connector can conne
PrefaceMS-7697Preface PrefaceMS-7697Preface Techncal SupportIf a problem arses wth your system and no soluton can be obtaned from the user’s
1-20Gettng StartedFan Power Connectors: CPUFAN,SYSFAN1~2The fan power connectors support system coolng fans wth +12V. If the manboard has a System
1-21MS-7697Chapter 1Front Panel Connectors: JFP1, JFP2These connectors connect to the front panel swtches and LEDs. The JFP1 connector s complant w
1-22Gettng StartedUSB 2.0 Expanson Connectors: JUSB1~2Ths connector s desgned for connectng hgh-speed USB perpherals such as USB HDDs, dgtal
1-23MS-7697Chapter 1TPM Module connector: JTPM1Ths connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module). Please refer to the TPM securty platform m
1-24Gettng StartedSeral Port Connector: JCOM1Ths connector s a 16550A hgh speed communcaton port that sends/receves 16 bytes FIFOs. Yo
1-25MS-7697Chapter 1JumperClear CMOS Jumper: JBAT1There s CMOS RAM onboard that s external powered from a battery located on the manboard to save s
Ths chapter provdes nformaton on the BIOS Setup program and allows you to congure the system for op-tmum use.You may need to run the Set
2-2BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Enterng SetupPower on the computer and the system wll start POST (Power On Self Test) process
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3ControlKeyboard Mouse Descrpton<↑><↓>Move the cursorSelect Item<←><→>
vPrefaceMS-7697Preface PrefaceMS-7697Preface FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference StatementThs equpment has been tested and found to comply wth
2-4BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3The Menu BarMan MenuUse ths menu for basc system conguratons, such as tme, date etc.Advan
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-5BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Man MenuSystem DateThs allows you to set the system to the date that you want (usually the cu
2-6BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3AdvancedPCI Subsystem SettngsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. PCI Latency TmerThs
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-7BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Integrated PerpheralsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Onboard LAN Controller1Ths t
2-8BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3USB ConguratonPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. USB Devces:Ths tem shows the type
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-9BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Hardware MontorPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. CPU FANThs tem s used to select t
2-10BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Wake Up Event SetupPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Wake Up Event BySettng to [BIOS
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-11BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3OverclockngCurrent CPU / NB / DRAM Frequency These tems show the current clocks of CPU, NB a
2-12BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Adjust Turbo Core RatoThs tem s used to adjust Turbo Core rato.IGD Engne CLKThs tem s
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-13BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3tRTPThs tem s used to adjust the tme nterval between a read and a precharge com-mand.tWRM
PrefaceMS-7697Preface vPrefaceMS-7697Preface Calforna, USA: The button cell battery may contan perchlorate materal and requres specal handlng w
2-14BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3CPU SpeccatonsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. The submenu shows the nformaton
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-15BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Core C6 StateThs tem allows you to enable/ dsable C6 state support. When the CPU enters C6
2-16BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3M-FlashBIOS Boot FunctonThs allows you to enable/ dsable the system to boot from the BIOS
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-17BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3SecurtyAdmnstrator Password Ths tem s used to set the admnstrator password. When a adm
2-18BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Make U-Key atWhen the “U-Key” as sets to [Enabled], ths tem s selectable. Ths tem allows
BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 32-19BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3BootFull Screen Logo DsplayThs tem enables ths system to show the company logo on the boot
2-20BIOS SetupMS-7697Chapter 3Save & ExtDscard Changes and ExtUse ths tem to abandon all changes and ext setup.Save Changes and RebootUse th
The Realtek audo provdes 10-channel DAC that smul-taneously supports 7.1 sound playback and 2 channels of ndependent stereo sound output (multple
A-2Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7697Appendx AInstallng the Realtek HD Audo DrverYou need to nstall the HD audo drver for Realt
Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx AA-3Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx ASoftware ConguratonAfter nstallng the audo drver, the “Realtek HD Audo Manager”
vPrefaceMS-7697Preface PrefaceMS-7697Preface WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) StatementENGLISHTo protect the global envronment and a
A-4Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7697Appendx ADevce SelectonHere you can select a audo output source to change the related optons
Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx AA-5Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx AHardware Default SettngThe followng dagrams are audo back panel default settng.Bac
A-6Realtek AudoMS-7697Appendx ABackpanel audo jacks to 6-channel speakers dagramRearFrontCen ter & Subw ooferBackpanel audo jacks to 8-channe
The ntegrate one SATA host controller separately, and support RAID functon for performance and relablty. The SATA RAID provdes support for RAID
B-2AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BAMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BRAID ConguratonCreatng and deletng RAID set and performng other RAID settng up operatons a
AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BB-3AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BVew Drves Assgnments Ths wndow dsplays the model number, capactes and assgnment of the d
B-4AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BAMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BLD Vew / LD Dene Menu (Creatng RAID)The selecton of the RAID conguraton should be based upo
AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BB-5AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BStrpe Block Sze, the default 64KB s best for most applcatons. RAID 0 or 10 only.Ggabyte Bou
B-6AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BAMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BThe message wll show up on the bottom, press any key to use maxmum capacty or press [Ctrl-Y] t
AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BB-7AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BDelete LD Menu (Deletng RAID)Press “3” on the man to enter the Delete LD Menu.Choose a LD No. y
PrefaceMS-7697Preface vPrefaceMS-7697Preface ESPAÑOLMSI como empresa comprometda con la proteccón del medo ambente, recomenda:Bajo la drectva
B-8AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BAMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BInstallng the RAID Drver (for bootable RAID Array) After you complete the RAID BIOS setup, boot
AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BB-9AMD RAIDMS-7697Appendx BInstallng the RAID Drver Under Wndows (for Non-bootable RAID Array)Insert the MSI DVD nto the
vPrefaceMS-7697Preface PrefaceMS-7697Preface TÜRKÇEÇevrec özellğyle blnen MSI dünyada çevrey korumak çn hatırlatır:Avrupa Brlğ (AB) K
PrefaceMS-7697Preface xPrefaceMS-7697Preface CONTENTS▍Copyrght Notce ...................
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