B75MA-P45 seres MS-7798 (v1.x) ManboardG52-77981X1
xPrefaceMS-7798Preface UTILITIES ... 2-20SECURI
Thank you for choosng the B75MA-P45 Seres (MS-7798 v1.X) Mcro-ATX manboard. The Seres manboards are based on Intel® B75 chpset for optmal syst
1-2Gettng StartedPackng ContentsManboardDrver / Utlty DVDUser GudeBack IO SheldSATA Cable* These pctures are for reference only and may vary
1-3MS-7798Chapter 1Assembly PrecautonsThe components ncluded n ths package are prone to damage from electrostatc dscharge (ESD). Please ad
1-4Gettng StartedManboard SpeccatonsProcessor SupportSupport 3rd Generaton Intel® Core™ 7/ Core™ 5/ Core™ 3/ Pentum®/ Celeron® Processors fo
1-5MS-7798Chapter 1Slots1x PCIe 3.0 x16 slot1x PCIe 2.0 x1 slot1x PCI slotForm FactorMcro-ATX (22.5 cm X 24.4 cm)Mountng Screw Holes6x mountng hole
1-7MS-7798Chapter 1Connectors Reference GudePort Name Port Type PageBack Panel 1-8CPU LGA 1155 CPU Socket 1-10CPUFAN,SYSFAN1~2 Fan Power
1-8Gettng StartedBack Panel Quck GudeMouse/KeyboardThe standard PS/2® mouse/keyboard DIN connector s for a PS/2® mouse/keyboard.USB 2.0 PortThe US
1-9MS-7798Chapter 1LAN The standard RJ-45 LAN jack s for connectng to a Local Area Network (LAN). LED Color LED State CondtonLeft Yellow O LAN l
PrefaceMS-7798Preface PrefaceMS-7798Preface Copyrght NotceThe materal n ths document s the ntellectual property of MICRO-STAR INTERNA-TIONAL
1-10Gettng StartedCPU (Central Processng Unt)Introducton to the LGA 1155 CPUThe surface of the LGA 1155 CPU has two algnment keys and a yell
1-11MS-7798Chapter 1CPU & Cooler InstallatonWhen nstallng a CPU, always remember to nstall a CPU cooler. A CPU cooler s necessary to pr
1-12Gettng StartedInspect the CPU to check f t s properly seated n the socket. Press the loadng lever down and lock t under the re
1-13MS-7798Chapter 1ImportantDo not touch the CPU socket pns.Conrm that the CPU cooler has formed a tght seal wth the CPU before bootng your syst
1-14Gettng StartedMountng Screw HolesWhen nstallng the manboard, rst nstall the necessary mountng stands requred for a manboard on the mount
1-15MS-7798Chapter 1Power SupplyJPWR1: ATX 24-pn Power ConnectorThs connector allows you to connect an ATX 24-pn power supply. To connect the ATX 2
1-16Gettng StartedMemoryThese DIMM slots are used for nstallng memory modules. For more nformaton on compatble components, please vst http://w
1-17MS-7798Chapter 1Installng Memory ModulesUnlock the DIMM slot by pushng the mountng clps to the sde. Vertcally nsert the memory module nto
1-18Gettng StartedExpanson SlotsThs manboard contans numerous ports for expanson cards, such as dscrete graphcs or audo cards.PCIe (Perphera
1-19MS-7798Chapter 1PCI Interrupt Request RoutngIRQ, or nterrupt request lnes, are hardware lnes over whch devces can send nterrupt requests t
PrefaceMS-7798Preface PrefaceMS-7798Preface Techncal SupportIf a problem arses wth your system and no soluton can be obtaned from the user’s
1-20Gettng StartedInternal ConnectorsSATA1~6: SATA ConnectorThs connector s a hgh-speed SATA nterface port. Each connector can connect to one SAT
1-21MS-7798Chapter 1CPUFAN,SYSFAN1~2: Fan Power ConnectorsThe fan power connectors support system coolng fans wth +12V. If the manboard has a Syste
1-22Gettng StartedJFP1, JFP2: Front Panel ConnectorsThese connectors connect to the front panel swtches and LEDs. The JFP1 connector s complant w
1-23MS-7798Chapter 1JUSB3: USB 3.0 Expanson ConnectorThe USB 3.0 port s backwards compatble wth USB 2.0 devces. It supports data trans
1-24Gettng StartedJUSB1~2: USB 2.0 Expanson ConnectorsThs connector s desgned for connectng hgh-speed USB perpherals such as USB HDDs, dgtal
1-25MS-7798Chapter 1JAUD1: Front Panel Audo ConnectorThs connector allows you to connect the front audo panel located on your computer case. Ths c
1-26Gettng StartedJCOM1: Seral Port ConnectorThs connector s a 16550A hgh speed communcaton port that sends/receves 16 bytes FIFOs. Yo
1-27MS-7798Chapter 1JumperJUSB_PW1~2: USB power JumperThese jumpers are used to select USB ports powered by VCC5 or 5VSB. Set to 5VSB f you want them
1-28Gettng StartedJBAT1: Clear CMOS JumperThere s CMOS RAM onboard that s external powered from a battery located on the manboard to save system c
CLICK BIOS II s a revolutonary UEFI nterface that allows you to setup and congure your system for optmum use. Usng your mouse an
vPrefaceMS-7798Preface PrefaceMS-7798Preface FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference StatementThs equpment has been tested and found to comply wth
2-2BIOS SetupEnterngPower on the computer and the system wll start the Power On Self Test (POST) pro-cess. When the message below appears on the scr
2-3MS-7798Chapter 2System nformatonThs block shows the tme, date, CPU name, CPU frequency, DRAM frequency, DRAM capacty and the BIOS verson.BIOS
2-4BIOS SetupOperatonCLICK BIOS II allows you to control BIOS settngs wth the mouse and the keyboard. The followng table lsts and descrbes the h
2-5MS-7798Chapter 2SETTINGSSystem StatusSystem DateThs allows you to set the system date that you want (usually the current date).The format s <d
2-6BIOS SetupAdvancedPCI Subsystem SettngsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. PCIE GEN3Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable the PCIe generato
2-7MS-7798Chapter 2HPETThe HPET (Hgh Precson Event Tmers) s a component that s part of the chpset.You can enable t, and wll provde you wth
2-8BIOS SetupParallel(LPT) PortThs tem allows you to enable/ dsable the parallel port.Parallel(LPT) Port SettngsSelect an address and correspondn
2-9MS-7798Chapter 2Resume By RTC AlarmThe eld s used to enable or dsable the feature of bootng up the system on a scheduled tme/date.Date/ HH:M
2-10BIOS SetupBootFull Screen Logo Dsplay[Enabled] The OS boots straght to the GUI wthout showng the POST screen,[Dsabled] Shows the POST messa
2-11MS-7798Chapter 2OCImportantOverclockng your PC manually s only recommended for advanced users.Overclockng s not guaranteed, and f done mprop
PrefaceMS-7798Preface vPrefaceMS-7798Preface Calforna, USA: The button cell battery may contan perchlorate materal and requres specal handlng w
2-12BIOS SetupMy OC GenePress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu.Customze CPU RatoThs tem allows you to specc the CPU rato for OC Gene funct
2-13MS-7798Chapter 2Adjusted DRAM FrequencyIt shows the adjusted DRAM frequency. Read-only.DRAM Tmng ModeSelect whether DRAM tmng s controlled by
2-14BIOS SetupThs tem s used to set the tFAW (four actvate wndow delay) tmng.tWCLThs tem s used to set the tWCL (Wrte CAS Latency) tmng.A
2-15MS-7798Chapter 2OC Prole Save to USBSave the current overclockng settngs to USB ash dsk.OC Prole Load from USBLoad the stored settngs from
2-16BIOS SetupPower TechnologyThs tem allows you to select the Intel Dynamc Power technology mode.C1E SupportEnable system to reduce CPU power
2-17MS-7798Chapter 2ECOImportantOnce you clck the “ECO” button n the pre-set area, some tems n ECO menu wll be xed and un-adjustable.EuP 2013Ene
2-18BIOS SetupBROWSERPlease nstall the MSI "Wnk" applcaton rst n the Wndows operatng system wth the MSI Drver Dsc before usng t
2-19MS-7798Chapter 2Updatng the BIOS wth Lve UpdateThs secton tells you how to update the BIOS by usng the Lve Update utlty before enterng
2-20BIOS SetupUTILITIESHDD BackupHard dsk storage backups and restorng s one of the most common and mportant tasks. Use ths utlty to create an
2-21MS-7798Chapter 2M-FlashBIOS Boot FunctonThs allows you to enable/ dsable the system to boot from the BIOS le nsde USB drve (FAT/ 32 format
vPrefaceMS-7798Preface PrefaceMS-7798Preface WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) StatementENGLISHTo protect the global envronment and a
2-22BIOS SetupSECURITYAdmnstrator Password Set the admnstratve password that wll be requred to enter the BIOS. User Password Set the user passw
The Realtek audo provdes 8-channel DAC. To acheve the 8-channel sound eect, the 7th and 8th channels must be plugged nto the output on th
A-2Realtek AudoInstallng the Realtek HD Audo DrverYou need to nstall the HD audo drver for Realtek audo codec to functon properly be-fore you
A-3MS-7798Appendx ASoftware ConguratonAfter nstallng the audo drver, the “Realtek HD Audo Manager” con wll appear at the notcaton area (l
A-4Realtek AudoDevce SelectonHere you can select a audo output source to change the related optons. The “check” sgn (n orange) ndcates the de
Intel® Small Busness Advantage (Intel® SBA) provdes an out-of-the-box hardware-based securty and produc-tvty sute desgned for the small b
B-2Intel SBAPrerequstesSupported Operatng SystemsIntel SBA supports followng OS: Wndows 7 Professonal 64-bt and 32-btWndows 7 Enterprse 64-b
B-3MS-7798Appendx BInstallng Intel SBAThs procedure descrbes how to nstall Intel SBA.To nstall Intel SBA:Logon to the computer wth a user that
B-4Intel SBAPassword settngsBy default, the system s n an uncongured state. Before the hardware capabltes can be used by Intel SBA software, th
PrefaceMS-7798Preface vPrefaceMS-7798Preface ESPAÑOLMSI como empresa comprometda con la proteccón del medo ambente, recomenda:Bajo la drectva
vPrefaceMS-7798Preface PrefaceMS-7798Preface TÜRKÇEÇevrec özellğyle blnen MSI dünyada çevrey korumak çn hatırlatır:Avrupa Brlğ (AB) K
PrefaceMS-7798Preface xPrefaceMS-7798Preface CONTENTS▍Copyrght Notce ...................
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