P67A-GD80 seres MS-7672 (v2.x) ManboardG52-76721X2
Thank you for choosng the P67A-GD80 Seres (MS-7672 v2.X) ATX manboard. The Seres manboards are based on Intel® P67 chpsets for optmal syst
1-2Gettng StartedManboard SpeccatonsProcessor SupportIntel® Sandy Brdge processor n the LGA1155 package(For the latest nformaton about C
1-3MS-7672Chapter 1Connectors & ButtonsBack panel1 PS/2 keyboard/ mouse combo port4 USB 2.0 ports6 USB 3.0 ports1 Clear CMOS button1 Optcal S/PDI
1-4Gettng StartedP67A-GD80 ATX ManboardManboard LayoutPCI _E4PCI _E5PCI2PCI1JAUD1JSP1J1394_1JTPM1IntelP67JDLED3JUSB1JUSB4 JUSB5JUSB2JUSB3JBAT1(opti
1-5MS-7672Chapter 1MSI manboardMSI Drver/Utlty DVDSATA CablePower CablePackng ChecklstUSB 2.0 Bracket (Optonal)The pctures are for referenc
Ths chapter provdes you wth the nformaton about hardware setup procedures. Whle performng the nstal-laton, be careful n holdng the c
2-2Hardware SetupQuck Components GudeBack Panel, p.2-11CPU, p.2-4CPUFAN1, p.2-14DDR3, p.2-8JPWR2, p.2-10JPWR1, p.2-10SYSFAN4, p.2-14SATA, p.2-13JFP
2-3MS-7672Chapter 2 Screw HolesWhen you nstall the manboard, you have to place the manboard nto the chasss n the correct drecton. The locaton
PrefaceMS-7672Preface PrefaceMS-7672Preface Copyrght NotceThe materal n ths document s the ntellectual property of MICRO-STAR INTERNA-TIONAL
2-4Hardware SetupCPU (Central Processng Unt)When you are nstallng the CPU, make sure to nstall the cooler to prevent overheatng. If you do not h
2-5MS-7672Chapter 2 CPU & Cooler InstallatonWhen you are nstallng the CPU, make sure the CPU has a cooler attached on the top to prevent overhe
2-6Hardware SetupVsually nspect f the CPU s seated well nto the socket. If not, take out the CPU wth pure vertcal moton and renstall.5
2-7MS-7672Chapter 2 ManboardHookImportantRead the CPU status n BIOS.Whenever CPU s not nstalled, always protect your CPU socket pn wth the plast
2-8Hardware SetupMemoryThese DIMM slots are used for nstallng memory modules. For more nformaton on compatble components, please vst http://www
2-9MS-7672Chapter 2 Installng Memory ModulesThe memory module has only one notch on the center and wll only t n the rght orentaton.Insert the m
2-10Hardware SetupPower SupplyATX 24-pn Power Connector: JPWR1Ths connector allows you to connect an ATX 24-pn power supply. To connect the ATX 24-
2-11MS-7672Chapter 2 Back PanelLANIEEE 1394 Port Keyboard/ MouseOptcal S/PDIF-Out USB 3.0 PortLne-InLne-OutMcUSB 3.0 PortRS-OutCS-OutSS-OutUSB 2.0
2-12Hardware SetupUSB 2.0 PortThe USB (Unversal Seral Bus) port s for attachng USB devces such as keyboard, mouse, or other USB-compatble devce
2-13MS-7672Chapter 2 ConnectorsSeral ATA Connector: SATA1~6Ths connector s a hgh-speed Seral ATA nterface port. Each connector can connect to on
PrefaceMS-7672Preface PrefaceMS-7672Preface Safety InstructonsAlways read the safety nstructons carefully.Keep ths User’s Manual for future re
2-14Hardware SetupFan Power Connectors: CPUFAN1,SYSFAN1~4The fan power connectors support system coolng fan wth +12V. When connectng the wre to th
2-15MS-7672Chapter 2 Front Panel Connectors: JFP1, JFP2These connectors are for electrcal connecton to the front panel swtches and LEDs. The JFP1
2-16Hardware SetupFront USB 2.0 Connector: JUSB1/ JUSB2/ JUSB3Ths connector, complant wth Intel® I/O Connectvty Desgn Gude, s deal for con-ne
2-17MS-7672Chapter 2 S/PDIF-Out Connector: JSP1Ths connector s used to connect S/PDIF (Sony & Phlps Dgtal Interconnect Format) nterface for
2-18Hardware SetupTPM Module connector: JTPM1Ths connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) module (optonal). Please refer to the TPM sec
2-19MS-7672Chapter 2 Front Panel Audo Connector: JAUD1Ths connector allows you to connect the front panel audo and s complant wth Intel® Front P
2-20Hardware SetupVoltage Check Pont: FV1Ths voltage check pont set s used to measure the current CPU core/ CPU IO/ CPU_SA/ DDR/ PCH voltage.CPU
2-21MS-7672Chapter 2 JumperClear CMOS Jumper: JBAT1There s a CMOS RAM onboard that has a power supply from an external battery to keep the data of sy
2-22Hardware SetupThs secton wll explan how to change your motherboard’s functon through the use of followng buttons. OC Gene Button: TURBO1Th
2-23MS-7672Chapter 2 SlotsPCIE (Perpheral Component Interconnect Express) SlotThe PCIE slot supports the PCIE nterface expanson card.PCIE x16 SlotP
vPrefaceMS-7672Preface PrefaceMS-7672Preface FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference StatementThs equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the
2-24Hardware SetupLED Status IndcatorsCPU Phase LEDsThese LEDs ndcate the current CPU power phase mode. Follow the nstructons below to read.
Ths chapter provdes nformaton on the BIOS Setup program and allows you to congure the system for op-tmum use.You may need to run the Set
3-2BIOS SetupEnterng SetupPower on the computer and the system wll start POST (Power On Self Test) process. When the message below appears on the sc
3-3MS-7672Chapter 3ControlKeyboard Mouse Descrpton<↑ ↓ >Move the cursorSelect Item<Enter>Clck/ Double-clck the left but-tonSelect Ic
3-4BIOS SetupThe Man Menu LanguageAfter enterng the Setup menu, you can see a “Language” button. Please clck t and select the language, at your de
3-5MS-7672Chapter 3Green PowerCPU Phase ControlThs tem allows you to select the power phase mode to reach the best power savng functon.Motherboard
3-6BIOS SetupUtltesMemory TestThs tem s used to test nstalled memory.Lve UpdateLve Update s a tool used to detect and update your BIOS onln
3-7MS-7672Chapter 3OverclockngCurrent CPU / DRAM Frequency These tems show the current clocks of CPU and Memory speed. Read-only.CPU Base Frequency
3-8BIOS SetupEISTThe Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology allows you to set the performance level of the mcroprocessor whether the computer s runnng
3-9MS-7672Chapter 3tRCDWhen DRAM s refreshed, both rows and columns are addressed separately. Ths setup tem allows you to determne the tmng of t
PrefaceMS-7672Preface vPrefaceMS-7672Preface WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) StatementENGLISHTo protect the global envronment and as
3-10BIOS SetupSpread SpectrumWhen the manboard’s clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spkes) of the pulses create EMI (Electromagnetc Interf
3-11MS-7672Chapter 3CPU Technology SupportPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. The sub-menu shows the nstalled CPU tech-nologes. Read only.MEM
3-12BIOS SetupIntel Vrtualzaton TechThs tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel Vrtualzaton technology. For further nformaton please refer t
3-13MS-7672Chapter 3GamesThs menu provdes several games for you to play. Smply clck any con to enter t and followng the game rules to play t.I
3-14BIOS SetupSettngsSystem StatusSystem DateThs allows you to set the system to the date that you want (usually the current date). The format s &l
3-15MS-7672Chapter 3System TmeThs allows you to set the system tme that you want (usually the current tme). The tme format s <hour> <m
3-16BIOS SetupIntegrated PerpheralsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. Onboard Lan Controller1/ 2Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the o
3-17MS-7672Chapter 3Legacy USB SupportSelect [Enabled] f you need to use a USB-nterfaced devce n the operatng sys-tem.Onboard NEC USB 3.0 Control
3-18BIOS SetupPower Management SetupPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. EuP 2013Ths tem s desgned for Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EuP
3-19MS-7672Chapter 3Resume From S3/S4/S5 by PS/2 Mouse/ KeyboardThese tems determne whether the system wll be awakened from what power sav-ng mode
vPrefaceMS-7672Preface PrefaceMS-7672Preface ESPAÑOLMSI como empresa comprometda con la proteccón del medo ambente, recomenda:Bajo la drectva
3-20BIOS SetupImportantWhen you select the Admnstrator Password / User Password tem, a password box wll appear on the screen. Type the password, a
3-21MS-7672Chapter 3BootFull Screen Logo DsplayThs tem enables ths system to show the company logo on the boot-up screen. Set-tngs are:[Enabled]
3-22BIOS SetupSave & ExtDscard Changes and ExtUse ths tem to abandon all changes and ext setup.Save Changes and ResetUse ths tem to save c
The Realtek audo provdes 10-channel DAC that smul-taneously supports 7.1 sound playback and 2 channels of ndependent stereo sound output (multple
A-2Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7672Appendx AInstallng the Realtek HD Audo DrverYou need to nstall the HD audo drver for Realt
Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx AA-3Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx ASoftware ConguratonAfter nstallng the audo drver, the “Realtek HD Audo Manager”
A-4Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7672Appendx ADevce SelectonHere you can select a audo output source to change the related optons
Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx AA-5Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx AHardware Default SettngThe followng dagrams are audo back panel default settng.Bac
A-6Realtek AudoMS-7672Appendx ABackpanel audo jacks to 6-channel speakers dagramRearFrontCen ter & Subw ooferBackpanel audo jacks to 8-channe
Ths appendx wll assst users n congurng and en-ablng RAID functonalty on platformsAppendx BIntel RAID
PrefaceMS-7672Preface vPrefaceMS-7672Preface TÜRKÇEÇevrec özellğyle blnen MSI dünyada çevrey korumak çn hatırlatır:Avrupa Brlğ (AB) Ka
B-2Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntroductonThe manboard comes wth the Intel RAID controller that allows you to congure SA
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-3Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BBIOS ConguratonThe Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM should be ntegrated wth the sy
B-4Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BAfter pressng the <Ctrl> and <I> keys smultaneously, the followng wndow wll
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-5Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIn the Dsk eld, press <Enter> key and use <Space> key to select the dsks you w
B-6Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BThen the followng screen appears to ndcate that the creaton s nshed.7.Go to the Create
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-7Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BDelete RAID Volume Here you can delete the RAID volume, but please be noted that all data on
B-8Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BReset Dsks to Non-RAID Select opton 3 Reset Dsks to Non-RAID and press <Enter> t
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-9Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BRecovery Volume Optons Select opton 4 Recovery Volume Optons and press <Enter> to ch
B-10Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BImportantPlease follow the nstructon below to make an “Intel® RAID Drver” for yourself.In
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-11Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BExstng Wndows Drver InstallatonInsert the MSI DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve.The DVD wll a
vPrefaceMS-7672Preface PrefaceMS-7672Preface CONTENTS▍Copyrght Notce ...
B-12Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BDegraded RAID ArrayA RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 10 volume s reported as degraded when one of t
Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BB-13Intel RAIDMS-7672Appendx BExt Intel RAID Opton ROM, and then reboot to Wndows system.When prompted to rebuld the R
Ths chapter provdes an overvew of the Marvell RAID Drver and Utlty, also descrbes the nstallaton proce-dure.Appendx CMarvell RAID
C-2Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CMarvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CRAID ConguratonDurng bootng, a screen smlar to the one below wll appear for about
Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CC-3Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CCreatng Vrtual DsksThs topc descrbes the procedure for creatng vrtual dsks by us
C-4Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CMarvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CCreate vrtual dsk by congurng ts settngs n the “Informaton” pane. as shown below.
Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CC-5Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CAfter congure all settngs for the vrtual dsk, scroll to the [Next] and press Enter to
C-6Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CMarvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CDeletng Vrtual DskThs topc descrbes the procedure to delete a vrtual dsk by usng
Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CC-7Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CRebuldng Vrtual DskThs topc descrbes the procedure to manually rebuld a degraded
PrefaceMS-7672Preface xPrefaceMS-7672Preface Appendx A Realtek Audo ... A-1I
C-8Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CMarvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CInstallng the RAID Drver (for bootable RAID Array) When prompted, nsert the medum ds
Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CC-9Marvell RAIDMS-7672Appendx CInstallng the RAID Drver Under Wndows (for Non-bootable RAID Array)Insert the MSI DVD
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