PH67A-C45/ PH67A-C43/PH67S-C43/ PH67A-S40 seres MS-7673 (v1.x) ManboardG52-76731X4
Thank you for choosng the PH67A-C45/ PH67A-C43/ PH67S-C43/ PH67A-S40 Seres (MS-7673 v1.X) ATX manboard. The Seres manboards are based on
1-2Gettng StartedManboard SpeccatonsProcessor SupportIntel® processor n the LGA1155 package(For the latest nformaton about CPU, please
1-3MS-7673Chapter 1ConnectorsBack panel1 PS/2 keyboard/ mouse combo port8 USB 2.0 ports (for PH67A-C45 / PH67A-C43 / PH67A-S40) 10 USB 2.0 ports (fo
1-4Gettng StartedPH67A-C45/ PH67A-C43/ PH67S-C43/ PH67A-S40 Seres (MS-7673 v1.X) ATX ManboardManboard LayoutPCI _E4PCI _E1PCI1PCI2PCI3JAUD1JCD1USB
1-5MS-7673Chapter 1MSI manboardMSI Drver/Utlty DVDSATA CablePower CableUSB Bracket (Optonal)Packng ChecklstThe pctures are for reference onl
Ths chapter provdes you wth the nformaton about hardware setup procedures. Whle performng the nstal-laton, be careful n holdng the c
2-2Hardware SetupQuck Components GudeBack Panel, p.2-11CPU, p.2-4CPUFAN, p.2-15DDR3, p.2-8JPWR2, p.2-10JPWR1, p.2-10SYSFAN3, p.2-15SATA1~6, p.2-14J
2-3MS-7673Chapter 2 Screw HolesWhen you nstall the manboard, you have to place the manboard nto the chasss n the correct drecton. The locaton
PrefaceMS-7673Preface PrefaceMS-7673Preface Copyrght NotceThe materal n ths document s the ntellectual property of MICRO-STAR INTERNA-TIONAL
2-4Hardware SetupCPU (Central Processng Unt)When you are nstallng the CPU, make sure to nstall the cooler to prevent overheatng. If you do not h
2-5MS-7673Chapter 2 CPU & Cooler InstallatonWhen you are nstallng the CPU, make sure the CPU has a cooler attached on the top to prevent overhe
2-6Hardware SetupVsually nspect f the CPU s seated well nto the socket. If not, take out the CPU wth pure vertcal moton and renstall.5
2-7MS-7673Chapter 2 ManboardHookImportantRead the CPU status n BIOS.Whenever CPU s not nstalled, always protect your CPU socket pn wth the plast
2-8Hardware SetupMemoryThese DIMM slots are used for nstallng memory modules. For more nformaton on compatble components, please vst http://www
2-9MS-7673Chapter 2 Installng Memory ModulesThe memory module has only one notch on the center and wll only t n the rght orentaton.Insert the m
2-10Hardware SetupPower SupplyATX 24-pn Power Connector: JPWR1Ths connector allows you to connect an ATX 24-pn power supply. To connect the ATX 24-
2-11MS-7673Chapter 2 Back PanelLANIEEE 1394 Port Keyboard/ MouseOptcal S/PDIF-Out USB 2.0 PortLne-InLne-OutMcUSB 3.0 PortRS-OutCS-OutSS-OutUSB 2.0
2-12Hardware SetupMouse/KeyboardThe standard PS/2® mouse/keyboard DIN connector s for a PS/2® mouse/keyboard.Clear CMOS Button (optonal)There s a C
2-13MS-7673Chapter 2 LAN The standard RJ-45 LAN jack s for connecton to the Local Area Network (LAN). You can connect a network cable to t.LED Colo
PrefaceMS-7673Preface PrefaceMS-7673Preface Safety InstructonsAlways read the safety nstructons carefully.Keep ths User’s Manual for future re
2-14Hardware SetupConnectorsSeral ATA Connector: SATA1~6Ths connector s a hgh-speed Seral ATA nterface port. Each connector can connect to one S
2-15MS-7673Chapter 2 Fan Power Connectors: CPUFAN,SYSFAN1~4The fan power connectors support system coolng fan wth +12V. When connectng the wre to
2-16Hardware SetupFront Panel Connectors: JFP1, JFP2These connectors are for electrcal connecton to the front panel swtches and LEDs. The JFP1 s c
2-17MS-7673Chapter 2 Front USB 3.0 Connector: JUSB2USB 3.0 port s backward-compatble wth USB 2.0 devces. Supports data transfer rate up to 5 Gbt/
2-18Hardware SetupS/PDIF-Out Connector: JSP1Ths connector s used to connect S/PDIF (Sony & Phlps Dgtal Interconnect Format) nterface for d
2-19MS-7673Chapter 2 TPM Module connector: JTPM1Ths connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) module (optonal). Please refer to the TPM
2-20Hardware SetupChasss Intruson Connector: JCI1Ths connector connects to the chasss ntruson swtch cable. If the chasss s opened, the chass
2-21MS-7673Chapter 2 LED Status Indcators (optonal)CPU Phase LEDThese LEDs ndcate the current CPU power phase mode. Follow the nstructons below
2-22Hardware SetupJumperClear CMOS Jumper: JBAT1There s a CMOS RAM onboard that has a power supply from an external battery to keep the data of syste
2-23MS-7673Chapter 2 SlotsPCIE (Perpheral Component Interconnect Express) SlotThe PCIE slot supports the PCIE nterface expanson card.PCIE x16 SlotP
vPrefaceMS-7673Preface PrefaceMS-7673Preface FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference StatementThs equpment has been tested and found to comply wth the
2-24Hardware SetupPCI (Perpheral Component Interconnect) SlotThe PCI slot supports LAN card, SCSI card, USB card, and other add-on cards that comply
Ths chapter provdes nformaton on the BIOS Setup program and allows you to congure the system for op-tmum use.You may need to run the Set
3-2BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Enterng SetupPower on the computer and the system wll start POST (Power On Self Test) process
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3ControlKeyboard Mouse Descrpton<↑ ↓ >Move the cursorSelect Item<Enter>Clck/ Dou
3-4BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3The Man Menu LanguageAfter enterng the Setup menu, you can see a “Language” button. Please cl
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-5BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Green PowerCPU Phase ControlThs tem allows you to select the power phase mode to reach the be
3-6BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3UtltyMemory TestThs tem s used to test nstalled memory.Lve UpdateLve Update s a tool u
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-7BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3OCCurrent CPU / DRAM Frequency These tems show the current clocks of CPU and Memory speed. Rea
3-8BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3DRAM RatoThs settng controls the rato of memory frequency to enable the memory to run at d
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-9BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3tRFCThs settng determnes the tme RFC takes to read from and wrte to a memory cell. tWR
PrefaceMS-7673Preface vPrefaceMS-7673Preface WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) StatementENGLISHTo protect the global envronment and as
3-10BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng because even a slght jtter can
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-11BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3DIMM1~4 Memory SPDPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. The sub-menu dsplays the nforma
3-12BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Package C-State lmtThs eld allows you to select a C-state mode. Long duraton power lmt(
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-13BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3GameThs menu provdes several games for you to play. Smply clck any con to enter t and fo
3-14BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3SettngsSystem StatusSystem DateThs allows you to set the system to the date that you want (u
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-15BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3System TmeThs allows you to set the system tme that you want (usually the current tme). Th
3-16BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Integrated PerpheralsPress <Enter> to enter the sub-menu. == Onboard Lan Conguraton =
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-17BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Legacy USB SupportSelect [Enabled] f you need to use a USB-nterfaced devce n the operatng
3-18BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2 Speed, CPU Vcore, CPU IO, CPU SA, DRAM Voltage,
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-19BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Resume From S3 by USB DevceThe tem allows the actvty of the USB devce to wake up the syst
vPrefaceMS-7673Preface PrefaceMS-7673Preface ESPAÑOLMSI como empresa comprometda con la proteccón del medo ambente, recomenda:Bajo la drectva
3-20BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Admnstrator Password Ths tem s used to set the admnstrator password. When a admnstrat
BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 33-21BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3BootFull Screen Logo DsplayThs tem enables ths system to show the company logo on the boot
3-22BIOS SetupMS-7673Chapter 3Save & ExtDscard Changes and ExtUse ths tem to abandon all changes and ext setup.Save Changes and ResetUse th
The Realtek audo provdes 10-channel DAC that smul-taneously supports 7.1 sound playback and 2 channels of ndependent stereo sound output (multple
A-2Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7673Appendx AInstallng the Realtek HD Audo DrverYou need to nstall the HD audo drver for Realt
Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx AA-3Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx ASoftware ConguratonAfter nstallng the audo drver, the “Realtek HD Audo Manager”
A-4Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx ARealtek AudoMS-7673Appendx ADevce SelectonHere you can select a audo output source to change the related optons
Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx AA-5Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx AHardware Default SettngThe followng dagrams are audo back panel default settng.Bac
A-6Realtek AudoMS-7673Appendx ABackpanel audo jacks to 6-channel speakers dagramRearFrontCen ter & Subw ooferBackpanel audo jacks to 8-channe
Ths appendx wll assst users n congurng and en-ablng RAID functonalty on platformsAppendx BIntel RAID
PrefaceMS-7673Preface vPrefaceMS-7673Preface TÜRKÇEÇevrec özellğyle blnen MSI dünyada çevrey korumak çn hatırlatır:Avrupa Brlğ (AB) Ka
B-2Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntroductonThe manboard comes wth the Intel RAID controller that allows you to congure SA
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-3Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BBIOS ConguratonThe Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM should be ntegrated wth the sy
B-4Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BAfter pressng the <Ctrl> and <I> keys smultaneously, the followng wndow wll
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-5Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIn the Dsk eld, press <Enter> key and the followng screen appears. Use <Space>
B-6Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BImportantSnce you want to create two volumes (Intel Matrx RAID Technology), ths default s
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-7Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BDelete RAID Volume Here you can delete the RAID volume, but please be noted that all data on
B-8Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BReset Dsks to Non-RAID Select opton 3 Reset Dsks to Non-RAID and press <Enter> t
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-9Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BRecovery Volume Optons Select opton 4 Recovery Volume Optons and press <Enter> to ch
B-10Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BImportantPlease follow the nstructon below to make an “Intel® RAID Drver” for yourself.In
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-11Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BExstng Wndows Drver InstallatonInsert the MSI DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve.The DVD wll a
vPrefaceMS-7673Preface PrefaceMS-7673Preface CONTENTS▍Copyrght Notce ...
B-12Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BIntel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BDegraded RAID ArrayA RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 10 volume s reported as degraded when one of t
Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BB-13Intel RAIDMS-7673Appendx BExt Intel RAID Opton ROM, and then reboot to Wndows system.When prompted to rebuld the R
PrefaceMS-7673Preface xPrefaceMS-7673Preface Appendx A Realtek Audo .................. A-1I
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