MSI IM-QM67 User Manual

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Summary of Contents

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Specification IM-QM67 Version: October 2011

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Thank you for choosing the IM-QM67, an excellent in-dustrial computer board from MSI. Based on the innovative Intel® QM67 chipsets for optimal

Page 3 - Technical Support

1-2Overview▍Mainboard SpecificationSCPUIntel® Core™i7 / i5 / i3 or Celeron® processor in rPGA-989 (Socket G2) ChipsetSKU1: Intel® QM67 Chipse

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1-3MS-9887Slot1 CFast slot1 Mini PCI Express x 1 slot 1 32-bit 33/66MHz 3.3v PCI slot Form Fac-torMini-ITX: 17.0cm x 17.0cm Environ-mentalOperating

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1-4Overview▍Mainboard LayoutKeyboardPortDVI-D PortHDMI PortLAN PortsUSB 2�0 PortsLine-InD-Sub PortLine-OutMICMousePortDVI-D PortPower ConnectorGPIO Co


1-5MS-9887CF ast Sl otCFast SlotData Modul AG -


This chapter provides you with the information on mainboard hardware congurations. Incorrect setting of jumpers and connectors may damage


2-2Hardware Setup▍Quick coMponentS GuideJGPIO1, p2-12PCI Slot, p.2-17JDSW1, p.2-16J2, p.2-16JPWR1, p.2-6SATA1~4, p.2-9DIMM Slot, p.2-5Back PanelI/O, p


2-3MS-9887cpu (centraL proceSSinG unit)When you are installing the CPU, make sure that you install the cooler to prevent overheating. If you do not ha

Page 10 - Overview

2-4Hardware Setup▍CPU InstallationLocate the CPU socket on the mainboard. On the upper end of the CPU socket is a socket actuator in the form of a slo

Page 11 - Mainboard SpecificationS

2-5MS-9887MeMory These DIMM slots are intended for memory modules.Installing Memory ModulesLocate the DIMM1 SO-DIMM slot. Align the notch on the DIMM

Page 12 - Environ

IM-QM67MS-9887 (v1.x) Industrial Computer BoardData Modul AG -

Page 13 - Mainboard Layout

2-6Hardware Setup▍Power Connector: JPWR1This connector provides power to the mainboard.4.+12V2.Grou nd3.+12V1.Grou ndpower SuppLyData Modul AG -

Page 14 - CFast Slot

2-7MS-9887back paneL i/oKeyboard PortThe standard PS/2 keyboard DIN connector is for a PS/2 keyboard.Mouse PortThe standard PS/2 mouse DIN connector i

Page 15 - Hardware Setup

2-8Hardware Setup▍LAN PortThe standard RJ-45 LAN jack is for connection to the Local Area Network (LAN). You can connect a network cable to it. Speed

Page 16 - Quick coMponentS Guide

2-9MS-9887connectorChassis Intrusion Connector: JCASE1This connector is provided to connect the chassis intrusion switch cable. If the chassis is op

Page 17 - Important

2-10Hardware Setup▍The fan power connectors support system cooling fan with +12V. When connecting the wire to th

Page 18 - CPU Installation

2-11MS-9887LVDS Flat Panel Connector: JLVDS1The LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signal) connector provides a digital interface typically used with at

Page 19 - Installing Memory Modules

2-12Hardware Setup▍Front USB Connector: JUSB1 / JUSB2This connector, compliant with Intel I/O Connectivity Design Guide, is ideal for connect

Page 20 - Power Connector: JPWR1

2-13MS-9887Serial Port Connector: COM1 (RS-232/-422/-485)Serial Port Connector: COM2~4 (RS-232)This connector is a 16550A high speed communications po

Page 21 - Keyboard

2-14Hardware Setup▍JSPI1 Connector: JSPI1This connector is provided for engineer debug only.J_ME1 Connector: J_ME1This connector is provided for setti

Page 22

2-15MS-9887JuMperClear CMOS Jumper: JCMOS1There is a CMOS RAM onboard that has a power supply from an external battery to keep the data of system con

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iiPreface▍Copyright NoticeThe material in this document is the intellectual property of MICRO-STAR IN-TERNATIONAL. We take every care in th

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2-16Hardware Setup▍Deep Sleep Mode Jumper: JDSW1Use this jumper to specify the deep sleep mode (S4/S5).JDSW1111Enable(Default)DisableImportantAvoid

Page 25 - Front Panel Connectors: JFP1

2-17MS-9887SLotMini PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) Ex-press SlotThe mini PCI Express slot supports the mini PCI Express interface expan-

Page 26 - GPIO Connector: JGPIO1

Data Modul AG -

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This chapter provides information on the BIOS Setup program and allows you to congure the system for optimum use.You may need to run the Setup prog

Page 28 - J_ME1 Connector: J_ME1

3-2BIOS Setup▍enterinG SetupPower on the computer and the system will start POST (Power On Self Test) process. When the message below appears on the s

Page 29 - Clear CMOS Jumper: JCMOS1

3-3MS-9887← → Select Screen↑ ↓ Select Item+ - Change FieldTab Select FieldF1 General HelpF10 Save and ExitEsc ExitGETTING HELPAfter enter

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3-4BIOS Setup▍the Menu barMainUse this menu for basic system congurations, such as time, date etc.AdvancedUse this menu to set up the items of specia

Page 31 - 32-bit PCI Slot

3-5MS-9887MainSystem DateThis setting allows you to set the system date. The date format is <Day>, <Month> <Date> <Year>

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3-6BIOS Setup▍[LBA/Large Mode]Enabling LBA causes Logical Block Address-ing to be used in place of Cylinders, Heads and Sectors[Block (Multi-Sector Tr

Page 33 - BIOS Setup

3-7MS-9887advancedQuick BootEnabling this setting will cause the BIOS power-on self test routine to skip some of its tests during bootup for faster sy

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iiiMS-9887Safety InstructionsAlways read the safety instructions carefully.Keep this User’s Manual for future reference.Keep this equipment away from

Page 35 - GENERAL HELP <F1>

3-8BIOS Setup▍USB FunctionsThis setting species the operation mode of the onboard USB control-ler.USB 2�0 ControllerThis

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3-9MS-9887Max CPUID Value LimitThe Max CPUID Value Limit BIOS feature allows you to circumvent problems with older operatin

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3-10BIOS Setup▍mance is highly improved. If you disable the function, the processor will use only one core to execute the instructions. Please disable

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3-11MS-9887Hardware MonitorThese items display the current status of all monitored hardware devices/components such as voltages, temperatures and all

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3-12BIOS Setup▍system fan speed automatically depending on the current CPU/system temperature, avoiding the overheating to damage your system.FAN1 Typ

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3-13MS-9887bootBoot Option #1 / 2 / 3 / 4This setting allows users to set the sequence of boot devices where BIOS attempts to load the disk operating

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3-14BIOS Setup▍SecurityAdminstrator Password / Adminstrator Supervisor PasswordAdministrator Password controls access to the BIOS Setup utility. T

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3-15MS-9887Trusted ComputingTCG/TPM SupportThis setting controls the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) designed by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG). TPMs

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3-16BIOS Setup▍chipSetPrimary DisplayThis item species which is your primary graphics adapter.Internal GraphicsThis setting allows users to select th

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3-17MS-9887DVMT Pre-AllocatedIntel’s Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) allows the system to dynamically allocate memory resources according to th

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ivPreface▍FCC-B Radio Frequency Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de

Page 46 - Security

3-18BIOS Setup▍powerACPI Sleep StateThis setting species the sleep state that the system will enter when the suspend button is pressed.Restore on

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3-19MS-9887modes when activity or input signal of onboard LAN/PCIE/PCI/PS2 PEM is detected.Resume On RTC When [Enabled], your can set the date and

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3-20BIOS Setup▍Save & exitSave Changes and Exit Save changes to CMOS and exit the Setup Utility.Discard Changes and ExitAbandon all changes and ex

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2DI SPLAYS AND EMBEDDED SOLUTIONSDI SPLAYS AND EMBEDDED SOLUTIONSData Modul AG | Landsberger Str. 322 | 80687 Munich | Tel. +49-89-56017-0 | Fax +49-8

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vMS-9887WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) StatementENGLISHTo protect the global environment and as an environmentalist, MSI must re-min

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viPreface▍ESPAÑOLMSI como empresa comprometida con la protección del medio ambiente, recomienda:Bajo la directiva 2002/96/EC de la Unión Europea en m

Page 52 - Save & exit

viiMS-9887TÜRKÇEÇevreci özelliğiyle bilinen MSI dünyada çevreyi korumak için hatırlatır:Avrupa Birliği (AB) Kararnamesi Elektrik ve Elektronik Malzeme

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viiiPreface▍CONTENTSCopyright Notice �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� iiTrademarks �

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