MSI 5000P Master-S8M User Manual

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Page 1 - The Sniper User Manual

The Sniper User ManualTrevor E. Carlson Wim HeirmanNovember 13, 2013sniper

Page 2 - Contents

run-sniper generates an mpiexec command line using mpiexec and thenumber of MPI ranks (-np). By default, one MPI rank is run per core. Thiscan be over

Page 3 - 1 Introduction

advancing too quickly in respect to the others. When using barrier synchro-nization via the clock skew minimization/scheme=barrier configurationoption,

Page 4 - 2 Getting Started


Page 5 - 3 Running Sniper

Listing 17: Hierarchical Section Config File[ perf _mo del / core / i nte rv al _ti me r ]win dow _si ze =965.1 Configuration FilesThe method we most of

Page 6 - 3.3 Simulation modes

Listing 21: Example configuration file[ perf _mo del / core ]freq uen cy = 2.66 # Set the de fault valuefreq uen cy [] = 1.0 , , ,1.0 # Core 1 ,2 uses t

Page 7 - 3.4 Region of interest (ROI)

6.1.2 CachesDescription Example OptionNumber of cache levels perf model/cache/levels=3L1-I options perf model/l1 icache/*L1-D options perf model/l1 dc

Page 8 - 3.5 Using Your Own Benchmarks

# Setup the core DVFS tr ans iti on laten cy[ dvfs ]tra ns it io n_ la te nc y = 10000 # In ns# Con fig ure 4- core DVFS gra nul arity[ dvfs / simple

Page 9 - 3.7 Running MPI applications

"""import sys , os , simclass Dvfs :def setup ( self , args ):self . events = []args = args . split ( ’: ’)for i in range (0 , len ( ar

Page 10

7.3 Loop TracerThe loop tracer allows one to determine the steady-state performance ofan application loop. To use it, configure Sniper with the paramet

Page 11

Figure 1: CPI stack over time for Splash-2 FFT with 2 threads in thedetailed, normalized view. The application was run in Sniper with thegainestown co

Page 12 - 5 Configuring Sniper

Contents1 Introduction 21.1 What is Sniper? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 13 - 5.2 Command Line Configuration

Figure 2: CPI stack over time for Splash-2 FFT with 2 cores running withthe gainestown configuration in application is not making significant

Page 14 - 6 Configuration Parameters

Figure 3: Topology of the gainestown microarchitecture with a sparklineshowing the misses per 1000 instructions (MPKI) of the first L1 data cache.The s

Page 15 - 6.3 DVFS Support

-c <sniper-config> — Configuration file(s), see Section 5.1-c [objname:]<name[.cfg]>,<name2[.cfg]>,... — Setup a het-erogeneous configu

Page 16

--save-patch — Save a patch (to sim.patch) with the current Snipercode differences--pin-stats — Enable basic pin statists. Normally saves to pin.log--m

Page 17 - 7.2 Power Stacks

-o <file> — Save gnuplot plotted data to ¡file¿.png--simplified — Create a CPI stack merging all items into the fol-lowing categories: compute, c

Page 18 - 7.4 Visualization

-f <int> — Number of instructions to fast forward before starting tocreate the trace-d <int> — Number of instructions to record in the tra

Page 19

8.4.2 tools/viz/level2.pyGenerate the visualization of the cycle stacks over [-h|--help (help)] [-d <resultsdir (default:.

Page 20

9 Comprehensive Option List9.1 Base Sniper OptionsListing 27: Base options (base.cfg)# Co nf igu ra tio n file for the Sniper simulat or# This file is

Page 21 - 8 Command Listing

pin _c od ec ac he _t ra ce = false[ pro gr ess _t ra ce ]enabled = falseinterval = 5000filename = ""[ cl oc k_ sk ew _m in im iz at io n ]s

Page 22

recv =1sync =0spawn =0tlb_miss =0mem_ access =0delay =0[ perf _mo del / b ra nch _p re di ct or ]type = one_ bitmis pr ed ic t_ pe na lt y =14 # A gue

Page 23 - 8.2 Sniper Utilities

9 Comprehensive Option List 269.1 Base Sniper Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269.2 Options used to configure the Nehalem core .

Page 24 - 8.3 SIFT Utilities

cac he _b lo ck_si ze = 64cach e_size = 32 # in KBass oc iat iv ity = 4add res s_ has h = maskrep la ce me nt _p ol ic y = lrudat a_ ac ce ss_ti me =

Page 25 - 8.4 Visualization

[ core / hoo k_ pe ri od ic _ins ]ins _pe r_ cor e = 10000 # After how many i ns tru cti on s should eachcore incr eme nt the global HPI count erins_

Page 26

[ perf _mo del / dram / queu e_m ode l ]enabled = truetype = his to ry_ lis t[ perf _mo del / nuca ]enabled = false[ perf _mo del / sync ]res ch ed ul

Page 27 - 9 Comprehensive Option List

[ queu e_ mod el / hi sto ry_li st ]# Uses the analytical model ( if enabled ) to c alculat e delay ifcannot be c alc ula ted using the history listma

Page 28

[ schedule r ]type = pinned[ schedule r / pinned ]quantum = 1 00000 0 # Sch edu ler quan tum ( round - robin foractive threa ds on each core ) , in na

Page 29

[ perf _mo del / core / i nte rv al _ti me r ]dis pa tch _w id th = 4win dow _si ze = 128nu m_ ou ts ta nd in g _l oa ds to re s = 10[ perf _mo del /

Page 30

tag s_ ac ce ss_ti me = 1per f_ mo del _t yp e = paral lelwri tet hr oug h = 0sha red _c ore s = 1[ perf _mo del / l2_cac he ]perfect = falsecach e_si

Page 31

# See http :// en . wi kipedia . org / wiki / Gaines tow n_ ( mi cr opr oc es sor ) #Gain estown# and http :// ark . intel . com / prod ucts /3 7106#i

Page 32

9.4 Sniper Prefetcher OptionsListing 30: Prefetcher options (prefetcher.cfg)[ perf _mo del / l2_cac he ]# pref etc her = simplepref etcher = ghb[ perf

Page 33

# define SI M_ OP T_ I NS TR UM EN T _F AS TF OR W AR D 2// SimAPI commandsSim Roi Sta rt ()SimR oiE nd ()Sim Get Pr ocI d ()Sim Ge tTh re ad Id ()Sim

Page 34

• CPI Stack generation• Parallel, multi-threaded simulator• Multi-threaded application support• Multi-program workload support with the SIFT trace for

Page 35

2.2 Compiling SniperOne can compile Sniper with the following command: cd sniper && make.If you have multiple processors, you can take advanta

Page 36

In addition to viewing the sim.out file, we encourage the use of thesniper/tools/sniper results() function to parse and pro-cess results. Th

Page 37

• Detailed — Fully detailed models of cores, caches and interconnectionnetwork• Cache-only — No core model (simulated time does not advance!),only sim

Page 38 - 9.6 SimAPI Commands

3.5 Using Your Own BenchmarksSniper can run most applications out of the box. Both static and dynamicbinaries are supported, and no special recompilat

Page 39

$ ./ record - trace -o fft -b 1000000 -- test / fft / fft - p1 - m20This command will generate a number of SIFT files with names in theformat of <na

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